Top 5 Qualities to Look for in a Remote Developer


In today's digital world, remote work has become increasingly popular. Companies can hire talent from anywhere in the world, which means they have access to a wider pool of candidates. This is why hiring remote developers has become a popular practice for many companies. However, hiring the right remote developer with the right qualities is important.

Top 5 Qualities to Look for in a Remote Developer

Hiring remote developers has many benefits, such as reducing overhead costs, increasing productivity, and expanding a company's reach. But to reap these benefits, finding the right fit for the job is crucial. This is where the top 5 qualities to look for in a remote developer come in.

The top 5 qualities to look for in a remote developer are technical skills, communication skills, self-motivation, adaptability, and time management. These skills are essential for remote work and can make or break a project. By ensuring that hire remote developer you hire possesses these qualities, you can rest assured that they will be a valuable asset to your team.

Technical skills

Technical skills are a crucial aspect of hire remote developers. These skills are essential for carrying out specific tasks and projects remotely. Remote developers need technical skills to help them carry out their work seamlessly without technical glitches.

Technical skills

To hire remote developers with the right technical skills, it's essential to consider the following:

  1. Technical skills required for remote work: Remote developers must possess skills that are relevant to their roles. The following technical skills are particularly important for remote developers:
    • Programming languages: Remote developers must be proficient in programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, and others.
    • Web development: Proficiency in web development tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for remote developers.
    • Database management: Remote developers must have knowledge of SQL and database management systems.
    • Cloud computing: Knowledge of cloud computing platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform is necessary for remote developers.
  2. Examples of technical skills that make a great remote developer: Here are some examples of technical skills that can make a remote developer great:
    • Knowledge of software development life cycle
    • Proficiency in Git, GitHub, or other version control systems
    • Familiarity with agile methodologies
    • Proficiency in debugging and testing software
  3. Importance of vetting technical skills during the hiring process: It's essential to assess a remote developer's technical skills during the hiring process to ensure that they have the right skills for the job. Employers can use various methods to vet a developer's technical skills, such as technical interviews, coding tests, and other assessments.

Communication skills

Effective communication is crucial for hire remote developers because they work in a virtual environment where communication is mostly done digitally.

Some communication skills that a remote developer must possess include the following:

  • Good written communication skills: Remote developers must communicate their ideas, instructions, and progress through emails, chats, and other forms of written communication.
  • Active listening: Remote developers must be able to pay attention and understand what their colleagues or clients are saying during virtual meetings or discussions.
  • Clarity in speech: During video or audio calls, remote developers must be able to articulate their ideas and convey them.
  • Ability to express themselves well: Remote developers must express themselves in a way that colleagues, clients, or stakeholders easily understand.
Communication skills

Examples of good communication skills that make a remote developer great include:

  • Responding to emails or messages promptly.
  • Being proactive in providing updates on their work progress.
  • Being clear and concise in their written communication.
  • Being able to explain technical concepts in simple language.
  • Being open to feedback and constructive criticism.

When hiring a remote developer, vetting their communication skills during recruitment is essential. Some ways to do this include:

  • Conducting a virtual interview to assess their communication skills during a conversation.
  • Asking for writing samples to evaluate their written communication skills.
  • Requesting references from previous clients or colleagues to determine how they communicated with others.

Self Motivation

Self-motivation is important when hire remote developers through IT staff augmentation or any other hiring process. It means that the developer can stay driven and focused on their tasks without needing someone to check in on them constantly.

Self Motivation

Here are some traits of a self-motivated remote developer:

  • They set clear goals and prioritize their tasks
  • They take responsibility for their work and outcomes
  • They are proactive in finding solutions to problems
  • They stay organized and manage their time effectively

Examples of self-motivated behaviour in a remote developer include:

  • Setting up a daily routine that includes regular breaks and exercise to stay focused
  • Taking the initiative to learn new skills and technologies on their own
  • Meeting or exceeding project deadlines without needing reminders or follow-ups
  • Communicating proactively with team members to provide updates and ask for feedback

When hiring remote developers, it's important to vet their self-motivation. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Ask for examples of how they stay motivated when working independently.
  • Inquire about their goals and how they prioritize their work.
  • Ask for references from previous employers or clients who can attest to their self-motivation
  • Please give them a task or assignment to complete independently and evaluate their level of initiative and independence.


Adaptability is an important quality when hire remote developers through IT staff augmentation or any other means. It means that someone can adjust to new situations and changes, which is crucial in the constantly evolving field of software development. Here are some things to keep in mind:



  • Adaptability is important because remote developers often work in constantly changing environments, where they need to handle unexpected issues and adjust to new requirements or technologies.
  • An adaptable developer can easily switch gears, take on new challenges, and work with different team members and clients, making them valuable addition to your team.


  • An adaptable remote developer is flexible and open-minded, willing to learn and adjust as needed.
  • They have good problem-solving skills, can think independently, and can find creative solutions to unexpected problems.
  • They are also good at communicating with others and collaborating with team members, which helps when working remotely.


  • An adaptable remote developer can quickly learn a new programming language or framework that they haven't used before.
  • They could also work with different software or tools or be comfortable switching between different projects as needed.
  • If a client changes their requirements or deadlines, an adaptable remote developer can adjust their work schedule or approach to make sure the project is still completed on time and to the client's satisfaction.


  • When hiring remote developers, it's important to vet their adaptability to ensure they can handle the challenges of remote work.
  • Look for examples of how they've adapted to new situations in the past, such as learning new programming languages or working with unfamiliar tools.
  • Ask them how they handle unexpected issues or changes in project requirements, and look for evidence that they are flexible and adaptable.

Time management

Time management is an essential quality to look for when hire remote developers for your IT staff augmentation team. It refers to managing time effectively to meet deadlines and accomplish goals. Here are some reasons why time management is crucial for remote developers:

Time management
  • Remote developers work independently, without constant supervision. Hence, they must manage their time effectively and deliver work on time.
  • Effective time management ensures that remote developers are productive and accomplish their tasks efficiently. This way, they can work on multiple projects and meet the needs of different clients.
  • Good time management helps remote developers avoid burnout, which is common when working remotely. They can maintain a healthy work-life balance by setting priorities, taking breaks, and organizing their schedule.

Here are some essential time management skills that remote developers must possess:

  • Prioritization: Remote developers must be able to identify critical tasks and prioritize them accordingly. They should be able to allocate their time and energy to tasks that significantly impact their projects.
  • Planning: Remote developers should be able to plan their work schedule and set task deadlines. This helps them avoid last-minute rushes and ensures they deliver quality work on time.
  • Focus: Remote developers should be able to focus on their work and avoid distractions. Working remotely can be challenging, but they can remain focused and accomplish their tasks efficiently with discipline.

Here are some examples of time management skills that make a great remote developer:

  • Setting goals and deadlines for each project
  • Organizing their workday to optimize productivity
  • Prioritizing tasks and focusing on the most important ones
  • Using tools like calendars, task lists, and time trackers to manage their time effectively

When hiring remote developers for your IT staff augmentation team, vetting their time management skills is crucial. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Ask them how they manage their time and ensure they plan to organize their workday.
  • Check their past work experience and references to ensure they deliver quality work on time.
  • Please give them a test project to gauge their time management skills and how to handle deadlines.


When hiring remote developers, it is important to remember these five qualities: technical skills, communication skills, self-motivation, adaptability, and time management.

A good remote developer should have strong technical skills in their specific field, such as software development, and communicate effectively with team members and clients. They should also be self-motivated, adaptable to changes, and have strong time management skills to ensure they can work independently and meet deadlines.

It's important to hire remote developers because they will be working remotely, and it's essential that they are a good fit for your team and can deliver quality work. Therefore, when you are looking to hire remote developers, it is encouraged that you implement a thorough hiring process.
