How to Implement Multilingual Support in Laravel


In today's digital world, web applications are vital in our everyday lives. They allow us to connect with people, access information, and carry out various tasks online. But have you ever wondered why it's important for web applications to support multiple languages? Well, imagine visiting a website or using an app that only uses a language you don't understand. It would be like reading a book in a language you've never learned! That's where multilingual support comes in. It ensures that people from different countries and cultures can use web applications comfortably, regardless of their language.

Localization in Laravel

In web development, localization refers to adapting a website or web application to different languages, regions, and cultures. It allows developers to create websites easily translated into various languages, making them accessible and user-friendly for people worldwide. Localization is crucial for reaching a wider audience and providing a personalized experience to users based on their location.

It  is popular PHP framework for Laravel web development, offers built-in features that make localization a breeze. Here's an overview of Laravel's localization capabilities:

  1. Language Files: Laravel allows developers to store translation strings in language files. These files contain arrays of key-value pairs, where the keys represent the original strings in the default language (usually English), and the values contain the translated strings. For example, you can have a language file called en.php for English and another file called es.php for Spanish.
  2. Translation Helper: Laravel provides a helpful translation helper function called __() (double underscore). Developers can use this function to retrieve the translated strings from the language files. For instance, if you have a greeting key in your language file, you can retrieve its translation by calling __('greeting').
  3. Placeholder Replacement: Sometimes, translations require dynamic values to be inserted into the translated string. Laravel's localization features support placeholder replacement. You can include placeholders in your translation strings and pass the corresponding values when retrieving the translations. For example, a translation string like 'Hello, :name!' can be replaced with 'Hola, :name!' in Spanish, where :name is a placeholder for the user's name.
  4. Localization Middleware: Laravel offers middleware that automatically detects users' preferred language based on their browser settings or other factors. It then sets the appropriate language for the user's session, making it easy to provide localized content without requiring explicit language selection.
  5. Language Switching: Laravel allows users to switch between different languages on the fly. Developers can provide language selection options and store the selected language in the user's session. This way, the entire website or specific sections can be dynamically localized based on the user's preference.

By leveraging Laravel's built-in localization features, developers can create websites and applications that cater to users from various linguistic backgrounds, enhancing the overall user experience and making the content more accessible.

Configuring Laravel for Multilingual Support

To make your Laravel application support multiple languages, follow these steps:

  1. Open the config/app.php file in your Laravel project.
  2. Locate the 'locale' key and set its value to the default language code you want to use. For example, if you want English as the default language, set it as 'locale' => 'en'.
  3. Create a new folder called lang in the resources directory of your Laravel project. This folder will hold the language files for different languages.
  4. Inside the lang folder, create a subfolder for each language you want to support. For example, create a folder named en for English.
  5. In the language subfolder (e.g., en), create a PHP file for each language with a .php extension. For example, create a file named messages.php for English messages.
  6. In each language file, define an associative array where the keys represent the language keys and the values represent the translated strings. For example:
phpCopy code

return [
    'welcome' => 'Welcome to our website!',
    'greeting' => 'Hello, :name!',
    // Add more translated strings as needed

  1. To access the translated strings in your application, use the trans() helper function. For example, to display the welcome message, use trans('messages.welcome').
  2. You can also pass dynamic values to the translated strings by using placeholders. For example, if you have a greeting message that includes the user's name, you can define it like this:
phpCopy code
'greeting' => 'Hello, :name!',

Then, when using the trans() function, pass an array with the placeholder values:

phpCopy code
trans('messages.greeting', ['name' => 'John'])

This will replace the :name placeholder with the value 'John'.

  1. You can add additional languages by creating new subfolders in the lang directory and adding language files for each language, following the same steps as before.
  2. To switch between languages dynamically, you can store the selected language in a session or a database and update the 'locale' value accordingly.

Translating Text and Messages

Translating text and messages in Laravel allows you to make your website or application accessible to people who speak different languages. It's like using a language converter to communicate with someone who speaks a different language. Here's how the process works:

  1. Language Keys: In Laravel, language keys are used to identify specific phrases or sentences that need to be translated. These keys act as unique identifiers for the text you want to translate. For example:

    • English: 'welcome_message'
    • French: 'message_de_bienvenue'
  2. Language Files: Laravel provides language files where you can store translations for different languages. These files are organized by language and contain an array of key-value pairs. For example:

    • en.php (English file):

      kotlinCopy code
      return [
          'welcome_message' => 'Welcome to our website!',
    • fr.php (French file):

      kotlinCopy code
      return [
          'welcome_message' => 'Bienvenue sur notre site web !',
  3. Dynamic Translations: Sometimes, you may need to include dynamic values within your translated text. Laravel allows you to use placeholders for such cases. For example:

    • English: 'welcome_message' => 'Welcome, :name!'
    • French: 'welcome_message' => 'Bienvenue, :name !'
  4. Translating Static Text: To translate static text, you can use the trans() function provided by Laravel. It retrieves the translation based on the language key. For example:

    • English: {{ trans('en.welcome_message') }}
    • French: {{ trans('fr.welcome_message') }}
  5. Translating Messages: If you need to translate messages that are stored in variables, you can use the __() function. It works similarly to the trans() function but allows you to translate dynamic content. For example:

    • English: __('Welcome, :name!', ['name' => 'John'])
    • French: __('Bienvenue, :name !', ['name' => 'Jean'])

Remember, Laravel Development provides powerful tools to make translation easier and efficient. By using language keys and placeholders, you can create multilingual websites or applications that cater to a global audience.

Handling URL Localization and Routes

URL localization and routes can be a challenging aspect of web development, but Laravel, a popular web development framework, provides effective solutions to tackle these challenges. Let's explore what URL localization is and how Laravel helps handle it.

URL Localization:

  1. URL localization refers to making websites available in multiple languages and adapting the URLs accordingly.
  2. It ensures that users from different regions can access the website in their preferred language without confusion.

Challenges of URL Localization:

  1. Creating separate routes and URLs for each language can be time-consuming and complex.
  2. Maintaining consistency in URL structure while accommodating different languages can be challenging.
  3. Generating localized URLs dynamically based on the user's language preference can take much work.

Laravel's Approach to URL Localization:

  1. Laravel provides a powerful feature called "Localization" that simplifies URL localization.
  2. It allows developers to define language files containing translated strings, making it easy to switch between different languages.
  3. Laravel's "route" files can be defined with language-specific prefixes to handle localized routes efficiently.

Generating Localized URLs:

  1. Laravel's "route" helper function enables developers to generate localized URLs effortlessly.
  2. The helper function generates the correct URL for the given language by passing the language key and route name as parameters. Example:
  • English URL: route('en.home') generates /en/home
  • French URL: route('fr.home') generates /fr/home

Defining Localized Routes:

  1. Laravel provides a convenient way to define localized routes using route prefixes.
  2. Developers can define language-specific prefixes in the route definition, allowing for easy management of localized routes. Example:
  • English route: Route::prefix('en')->group(function () { ... });
  • French route: Route::prefix('fr')->group(function () { ... });

Benefits of Laravel's Approach:

  1. Saves development time by simplifying the process of creating and managing localized routes.
  2. Ensures consistent URL structure across different languages, enhancing the user experience.
  3. Facilitates dynamic generation of localized URLs based on user preferences, making the website more user-friendly.


In conclusion, it is essential to prioritize a seamless multilingual experience for various reasons. Firstly, by providing a seamless multilingual experience, companies can effectively reach and engage with a broader global audience, expanding their customer base and growth potential. Secondly, it enhances user satisfaction by allowing individuals to interact with websites or applications in their preferred language, making the experience more personalized and user-friendly. Lastly, it can increase trust and credibility, as users feel valued and respected when their language needs are met. To achieve this, companies may consider hire developers with expertise in multilingual websites or application development, including the possibility of hiring remote developers to access a wider talent pool.
