What is Laravel and Why Should You Choose it for Your Next Project?


Laravel is a popular PHP web development framework developers use to create robust and scalable web applications. It provides a range of features that make the development process easy and efficient, such as built-in authentication, a command-line interface, and templating engine. Laravel is relevant for developers as it simplifies complex tasks and streamlines development, making it easy to create complex web applications.

In this article, we will explore the key features and advantages of Laravel, compare it with other PHP frameworks, and discuss why hiring a Laravel development company or remote developers can be a great choice for businesses looking to create high-quality web applications.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web application framework used for building web applications, websites, and software. It was created by Taylor Otwell in 2011, and since then, it has become one of the world's most widely used PHP frameworks.

Features and Benefits:

  • Laravel has a built-in command-line interface called Artisan, which makes it easy to manage various aspects of your application, such as database migrations and schema management.
  • Laravel's built-in authentication system makes it easy to manage user authentication and authorization.
  • Laravel uses the Blade templating engine, allowing clean and organized HTML code and easy template inheritance.
  • Laravel's robust community of developers contribute to its development, providing regular updates, bug fixes, and new features.

Architecture and How it Works:

  • Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which separates the application into three components: the model (handles the data), the view (handles the presentation), and the controller (handles the user input and manages the communication between the model and the view).
  • Laravel uses Composer, a dependency management tool for PHP, to manage the packages and libraries used by the framework.

Real-World Applications:

  • Laravel has been used to build various web applications, from content management systems and e-commerce platforms to social networks and video streaming services.
  • Some popular websites that use Laravel include Asana, Buffer, and 9GAG.

In conclusion, Laravel is a powerful PHP web application framework with various features and benefits, making it a popular choice for web developers. Its architecture and use of Composer make it easy to manage and maintain web applications, and its community of developers provides regular updates and support.

Why Choose Laravel for Your Next Project?

If you're looking for a powerful and flexible PHP framework for your next web development project, Laravel is worth considering. Here are some of the benefits of using Laravel:

  1. Time and Cost Savings
  • Laravel's built-in features and libraries, such as Blade templating engine and Eloquent ORM, can save development time and costs.
  • Laravel also offers pre-built packages, such as Socialite for social authentication and Scout for full-text search, that can be easily integrated into your project.
  1. Scalability and Flexibility
  • Laravel's modular architecture makes adding and removing features easy as your project grows and changes.
  • Laravel is designed to easily handle complex projects, thanks to its robust routing system, middleware support, and built-in security features.
  1. Community Support and Resources
  • Laravel's large and active community of developers contribute to its development and provides support through forums, blogs, and social media.
  • The Laravel documentation is comprehensive and easy to understand, making it easy for developers to learn and use the framework.


  • For example, let's say you want to build a social media platform. Laravel's Socialite package can help you quickly implement social authentication, while its routing and middleware features can help you create a secure and scalable platform.

Hiring a Laravel development company or remote developers can also provide additional benefits, such as:

  • Access to a team of experienced Laravel developers who can provide guidance and support throughout the development process.
  • Reduced development time and costs, as you won't have to train your own in-house team on the Laravel framework.
  • Flexibility to hire developers on a project-by-project basis rather than having to maintain a full-time development team.

Getting Started with Laravel

Laravel can help you build high-quality and scalable web applications quickly and easily. Here is a beginner's guide to getting started with Laravel:

  1. Setting up a Laravel development environment:
  • You need a web server like Apache or Nginx and PHP to run Laravel applications.
  • Install Composer (a PHP package manager) to install Laravel and its dependencies.
  • Install Laravel using Composer by running the "composer create-project laravel/laravel" command in the terminal.
  • Create a virtual host for the Laravel application and set the document root to the "public" directory of the Laravel application.
  1. Tools and resources needed to work with Laravel:
  • A code editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text
  • Git version control system to manage your codebase
  • Laravel Debugbar for debugging Laravel applications
  • Laravel Homestead or Valet for local development
  1. Basic tutorials or resources for beginners:
  • The official Laravel documentation is an excellent resource for beginners, which provides a step-by-step guide for creating web applications.
  • Laravelcasts provides video tutorials on Laravel for beginners and intermediate developers.
  • Laracasts provides in-depth tutorials on Laravel and related technologies for developers of all skill levels.

If you want to hire remote developers or a Laravel development company for your project, make sure they have experience working with Laravel and offer Laravel development services. With the right tools and resources, you can start Laravel development and build amazing web applications.

Laravel vs. Other Frameworks

While Laravel is an excellent choice for web development, it's not the only framework out there. Here's a comparison of Laravel to other popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django.

Advantages of Laravel:

  • Laravel has a simple and elegant syntax that is easy to read and write, making it a popular choice for developers.
  • Laravel provides built-in authentication, making creating secure login systems for web applications easy.
  • Laravel has a robust ecosystem, with many developers creating useful packages and tools.
  • Laravel has an Artisan command-line interface, which can speed up development tasks.

Disadvantages of Laravel:

  • Laravel is a PHP framework, which means it can be slower than other frameworks built using faster languages like Ruby or Python.
  • Laravel is not as mature as some of the other frameworks, so some bugs and issues may need to be resolved.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails:

  • Ruby on Rails is built using the Ruby programming language, known for its elegance and readability.
  • Ruby on Rails has a strong focus on convention over configuration, which can make development faster and more efficient.
  • Ruby on Rails has a large community of developers, which means that many resources and tools are available for developers.

Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails:

  • Ruby on Rails can be difficult for beginners due to the complexity of the Ruby language.
  • Ruby on Rails can be slower than other frameworks due to the overhead of the Ruby language.

Advantages of Django:

  • Django is built using the Python programming language, known for its simplicity and readability.
  • Django's strong focus on security makes it a popular choice for web applications dealing with sensitive data.
  • Django has a built-in administration panel, which can make it easy to manage content for web applications.

Disadvantages of Django:

  • Django can be more complex than some of the other frameworks due to the overhead of the Python language.
  • Django can be slower than other frameworks due to the overhead of the Python language.


In conclusion, Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that offers many benefits for web development projects. To recap:

  • Laravel offers a range of advanced features, including a built-in authentication system, an artisan command-line interface, and the Blade templating engine.
  • Laravel is easy to use, scalable, and has a large and supportive community.
  • Compared to other PHP frameworks, Laravel stands out for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • Hiring a Laravel development company can provide expertise and help to deliver high-quality and scalable web applications.
  • You can hire remote Laravel developers who can work on your project from anywhere in the world.

If you're considering Laravel development services for your next web development project, we highly recommend trying them. Its robust features, scalability, and community support make it an excellent choice for any web development project. Contact a Laravel development company today to get started!
